James Bond and Sea Turtles in Jamaica

When Matt and I got married, we chose to set up a honeymoon fund rather than a traditional gift registry. The fund was divided into excursions that we wanted to take on our trip around the world. One of those was a dream stay at Goldeneye Resort in Oracabessa, Jamaica. The resort is on the grounds of Ian Fleming’s house on Oracabessa Bay. Chris Blackwell, founder of Island Records (Bob Marley, U2, etc) purchased the property and turned it into a beautiful resort. We decided to book a visit to Jamaica in time to celebrate Matt’s birthday. Being fans of James Bond, we were excited to see what GoldenEye had to offer.  After a stay in Florida to visit family and downsize a bit, we flew to Jamaica.

Continue reading James Bond and Sea Turtles in Jamaica

Las Vegas Culture Shock and Our Drive Out of Mexico

After our week in Play del Carmen, we had a planned trip to Las Vegas to attend the DEFCON conference.  I have been attending the conference every year since 1996, and this would make an even twenty years (a milestone that was a little scary).  I wanted to see people that I only get to meet up with once a year, and experience Vegas after a three month stint in Mexico. But we still had to do something with the truck while we were in Las Vegas. Continue reading Las Vegas Culture Shock and Our Drive Out of Mexico

Matt and Neeley's Adventures