Well, that’s it. We have given our notice to our landlord with a date to end our lease. We have rented our first storage unit. It is finally official! In less than a month we will be nomads.
This has been something that my husband and I have wanted to do for years, but timing was never right. We had school, jobs, cats, commitments, fears, etc. Plus, there is an awful lot to plan that has nothing to do with traveling. What do we do with our stuff, our cars? What about insurance? Our bank accounts?
I won’t lie, these questions are overwhelming. But the idea of not going just because we need to figure out health insurance or bank accounts or what to do with our stuff, seemed silly. The desire to see more of the world was stronger than the seeming awesomeness of the tasks of finally breaking free. This does not mean that we are not nervous about what we might encounter or if we will even enjoy the nomadic lifestyle. There is not much in life that comes with a guarantee anyway. We may as well give it a chance.
In anticipation of the craziness that we now find ourselves in, we have not planned out our whole trip. In fact, we have decided to figure our travels out as we go along. The first month will be spent living near the beach in Baja California, Mexico. This will be our decompression month. We are giving ourselves time to realize that we really will be living in the moment and that our home is wherever we find ourselves in the world.
So follow along here on our blog, on Facebook

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We will be sharing our experiences, photos, and videos with you as we explore new and familiar places.